
Some students working on a problem during the 34th MATh.en.JEANS congress.

Here you can find information about varied aeras of interest to me, besides academic mathematics.

Promotion of mathematical activities to highschool students

I have taken part to several projects that aim to encourage secondary students and especially highschoolers to engage in mathematical activities in varying ways. You can find below a brief description of these projects as well as a link to their respective websites if you are interested to learn more about it.


MATh.en.JEANS is a French association whose objective is to introduce young students — from middle school to undergraduate level — to mathematical research. Each year, groups of students, supervised by their teachers, work on a set of open elementary mathematical problems proposed by a referent math researcher or PhD student. At the end of the year, the students expose their results in April in large regional congresses in front of the other students, and their teachers and referent researchers. You can find more about MATh.en.JEANS on their website (in French): https://www.mathenjeans.fr.

The TFJM² and the ITYM

The Tournoi Français des Jeunes Mathématiciennes et Mathématiciens (TFJM²) and its global counterpart the International Tournament of Young Mathematicians (ITYM) are two similar mathematical tournaments destined to French highschoolers for the former, and to global highschoolers for the latter. During the year, groups of four to six highschool students will work on the same set of about ten elementary but open problems, coached by one or two team leaders (usually their teachers). They write their findings in the form of short mathematical papers, and then during the tournament, they have to defend them in front of the other teams who did also work on the same problems, and a mathematical discussion between the team ensues, where the other students can ask questions or make comments about the presentation. The tournaments are described more precisely on their respective websites: https://tfjm.org (in French) and https://www.itym.org (in English).


The Rendez-vous des Jeunes Mathématiciennes and Informaticiennes (RJMI) are a weekend of conferences and research projects on varied problems specifically targeted towards young girls in highschool to encourage them to engage in mathematical activities. It is part of a broader project of promotion of science, and more precisely mathematics and computer science, to young girls. This project is driven by the associations Animath and Femmes et Mathématiques under the name Filles, Maths, Informatique. You can learn more about the RJMI and about their other projects on their website: https://filles-et-maths.fr.