A picture of the table where I usually work at home.

Here is a detailled version of my résumé as of May 2024. It can also be downloaded as a PDF file here.


Since Sept 2021 PhD student on tropical polynomial systems solving at CMAP (École polytechnique) and Inria supervised by Marianne Akian and Stéphane Gaubert
2021 Master’s degree with first class Honours (16.275/20) at ENS Rennes and Sorbonne Université
2020 Agrégation de mathématiques (rank: 47/325)
2018 Bachelor’s degree with first class Honors (16.00/20) at ENS Rennes and Université Rennes 1
2017 Admission at ENS Rennes
2014 Baccalauréat Scientifique with first class Honors (18.00/20)

Work experience and internships

Sep 23 - Jan 24 Teaching assistant in first year of Bachelor of Science in École polytechnique (MAA101 Linear Algebra)
Sep 22 - Jan 23 Teaching assistant in first year of Bachelor of Science in École polytechnique (MAA101 Linear Algebra)
Sep 21 - Jan 22 Teaching assistant in first year of Bachelor of Science in École polytechnique (MAA101 Linear Algebra)
Apr 21 - Jul 21 Ten weeks internship on interactions between tropical polynomial systems and game theory at CMAP with Marianne Akian and Stéphane Gaubert
Sep 20 - Jun 21 Mathematics and computer science examiner in classe préparatoirer at lycée Chaptal, Paris (BCPST 1 & 2)
Sep 19 - Mar 20 Mathematics examiner in classe préparatoire at ECAM Rennes (PCSI)
Jun 19 - Aug 19 Six weeks internship on implementing in Lean a proof of Dedekind’s factorization theorem for prime ideals of Dedekind rings at VU Amsterdam with Sander Dahmen
Jun 18 Four weeks internship on geometry in Banach spaces at IMJ-PRG with Gilles Godefroy


Aug 23 ISSAC 2023 Distinguished Student Author Award

Other activities

Sep 22 - Apr 23 Referent researcher for the MATh.en.JEANS project (a school year long workshop to introduce high school students to mathematical research on open problems) in lycée Gustave Eiffel, Gagny
Jul 18 and Oct 21 Juror and team leader for the 10th and 13th editions of the International Tournament of Young Mathematicians
May 18, 19 and 20 Organiser, juror and team leader for several occurrences of the French Tournament of Young Mathematicians (TFJM²)
Nov 18 Local organiser for the Rendez-vous des Jeunes Mathématiciennes (a weekend of conferences and research on problems to encourage young girls in high schools to engage in mathematical activities)